최은희 "저와 김현희는 분단국가 희생양"


최은희 "저와 김현희는 분단국가 희생양"

북한에 납북됐던 영화배우 최은희씨는 김현희 가짜 논란을 보면서 20년 전의 악몽을 떠올립니다. 납북된 자신을 당시 정부는 나 몰라라 했다면서 자신과 김현희는 분단국가의 희생양이라고 했습니다. 신은서 기자가 최은희씨를 만났습니다.


1978년 납북된 이후 9년간, 정부는 최은희 씨를 찾지 않았고,   해외에서 마주친 우리 정보기관 관계자는 오히려 최 씨를 경계했습니다.


[녹취] 최은희 / 영화배우
"대한민국 정보부라는게 너무너무 섭섭하고 자기 새끼가 어디 없어졌으면  머리 싸매고 찾아서 알아야 할 것 아니예요, 88년에 (한국에) 들어오려고 하니까 들어오지 말라고 하고." 1986년 북한을 탈출한 뒤  최 씨를 보호한 건 미국, 지원금을 보낸건 일본이었습니다.


[녹취] 최은희 / 영화배우
"국정원에 있는 사람인데  이상하게 보고 취조하듯이 해서 영화 '마유미'를 제작하면서 김현희씨를 만난 뒤 정치적으로 버림받은 서러움을 공감할 이가 생겼습니다."

[녹취] 최은희 / 영화배우
"김현희도 그렇고 나도 그렇고  분단된 국가의 희생양이예요. (김현희가) 꿋꿋히 지금 사는 것 보면 박수를 보내고 싶은 그런 심정이예요."


북한 모란봉악단 공연에 미국 캐릭터들이 나온다고 떠들썩하지만 최 씨의 생각은 달랐습니다.


[녹취] 최은희 / 영화배우
"정권 잡자마자 예술계 장악하고 군 장악하고 그래요. 김정일은 안 그랬나요. 개방하고 싶다고 그랬죠." 북한에선 자기 의견을 내는 것은 숙청이라고 했습니다.


[녹취] 최은희 / 영화배우
"(장성택이) 별장을 다르게 변형을 해서 지었대요, 그것 때문에 시골로 쫒겨났어요."


최 씨는 김정은의 고모 김경희는 오빠 김정일의 총애로 위세가 대단했고, 남편이자 현 실세인 장성택이 부부싸움 끝에 이마에 거즈를 하고 다니기도 했다고 전했습니다.


TV조선 신은서입니다.



美, 김현희 직접 조사 '북한 소행' 결론

'한국 군사 보복 않을 것' 보고

김황식 "김현희 가짜설 주도자 수사"…국정원 "과거사위 과도한 활동"


Source: news.tv.chosun.com




North Korea Marshals Fun


North Korea Marshals Fun


By Evan Ramstad

July 19, 2012, 12:37 PM KST

KCNA via Reuters

North Korean soldiers dance in a plaza outside an auditorium in Pyongyang Wednesday where a celebration was held to honor dictator Kim Jong Eun for getting the title of marshal. Photo by KCNA photographer distributed internationally by Reuters.


North Korea revved up the propaganda machine after the shake-up at the top of its military this week. Message: the military is happy with Kim Jong Eun.


After capping three days of announcements about military leadership with the news Wednesday that Mr. Kim had been given the new rank of marshal –- and even calling attention to that with a “big news is coming” report — Pyongyang ordered up a meeting of the military brass and dancing on the streets.


News photographers for the Korea Central News Agency and Associated Press produced pictures of shiny, happy soldiers laughing.


Shortly before the dancing, they captured hundreds of officers applauding the speeches that the military’s top brass gave in praise of Mr. Kim.


KCNA, in its account of the meeting, revealed that the newly-appointed Vice Marshal Hyon Yong Chol had also taken the title of chief of the general staff. That clarifies some ambiguity about whether he was the direct replacement of Ri Yong Ho, the former chief of the general staff whose ouster was announced on Monday.


North Korea attributed Mr. Ri’s departure to illness, though few outside observers buy that. The rapid series of events suggests Mr. Kim has tamped down some type of turmoil inside the military and that senior leaders have come into line.

Associated Press

Hyon Yong Chol, whose appointment as vice marshal was announced on Tuesday, takes the stage at an event announcing that dictator Kim Jong Eun was given the new military rank of marshal. The event also represented the little-known Mr. Hyon’s public coming out in North Korea.


Mr. Hyon spoke at the meeting. And the KCNA English-language account gave the most details about his speech that “offered the highest glory and the warmest congratulations to the respected supreme commander.”


Analysts who are trying to determine whether this week’s actions in North Korea signal a shift in the power balance between the military and the ruling Workers’ Party are likely to zone in on this quote that KCNA attributed to Mr. Hyon:

“We will make ceaseless innovations in the construction of major projects for building a thriving nation and improving the standard of people’s living and take the lead in implementing the WPK’s intention to provide the people with a happy life under socialism, bearing in mind Kim Jong Il’s patriotism.”


WPK is an abbreviation for Workers’ Party of Korea. North Korea’s military, estimated to be around 1 million people who are conscripted for 10 years, is responsible for more than just the defense of the nation. It also handles major construction and infrastructure projects.


That quote suggests Mr. Hyon’s military will be more focused on improving the North Korean economy than menacing South Korea. But KCNA also noted Mr. Hyon’s call “to reunify the country and achieve the final victory,” North-speak for placing the South under the North’s control.

Associated Press

Kim Jong Gum, a 19 year-old student of Kang Pan Sok Revolutionary School, poses for the camera amid the dancing in Pyongyang on Wednesday. Photo by AP’s North Korea photographer. 


Source: blogs.wsj.com





U.S. policymakers brace for 'collapse' in Syria

U.S. policymakers brace for 'collapse' in Syria
by: Fox News
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Syrian President Bashar Assad stands with Syrian Defense Minister Dawoud Rajha, right, who was killed in a bombing Wednesday, and an unidentified man during a ceremony, Oct. 6, in Damascus, Syria, to mark the 38th anniversary of the October 1973 Arab-Israeli war. Photo Credit:AP

U.S. policymakers are bracing for a potential "collapse" of the power structure inside Syria, as the Obama administration closely monitors the intensifying violence in the capital.

Following a bomb attack that left several Syrian regime officials dead, a State Department source forwarded to Fox News an assessment from an independent Middle East analyst who monitors social media in the region and provides occasional guidance to the department.

"Tweet trends on #Damascus indicate something will collapse in #Syria next 36 hours," the message said. "Looks a lot like Tripoli did a year ago." 


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Source: times247.com



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